The 6 Secrets to Instagram Growth

Fenix Digital Zone
3 min readJun 21, 2021

Instagram growth is something you need to plan and work on and despite all the hacks, tips and tricks you may be tempted to employ, it takes a lot of work.

Note these six points to get your growth going in a upward trend.

Use Carousels

  1. Not a pre-requisite by any means but carousels get more engagement and also keep people on your content longer which is important to the algorithm.

2. Post consistently

You should always show up consistently. Pick days where you are sure you can post every week and stick to those. Make it sustainable.

3. Lots of engagement

Be social on social media! You need to be factoring time into your schedule (preferably every day) to engage with your community. Reach out to others, Build connections. When it comes to engagement you really do get out what you put in.

4. Post at optimal times

Your insights can show the times when most of your audience are active on the platform. Posting at the best times can help with early engagement but experiment to find your ‘personal’ optimal time.

5. Create high-quality content

6. Cross-promotentent that is to the best of your ability. Consistent creating will help you improve, but if you need to take some training there are free courses and YouTube videos to help you with most areas.

6. Cross promote

If you are active on other networks then link them up to your Instagram for more impact. I post some of my carousels to LinkedIn for example or post the cover and a teaser quote to Twitter to drive traffic back to my Instagram.



Fenix Digital Zone

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